"CDG supports establishing community police partnership committees"
CDG supported community police dialogue forums in Somaliland to create bridge between security providers and the community members. CDG has helped community police mediation forums and helped creating two-way track dialogue between criticizes and police. CDG-designed guidelines on community policing with the support of practitioners in the field provide security providers and community access to the needs of one another, support on police forces in the rural community and being responsive to the needs of the community. In Sanaag, CDG conducted five community police forums and mediated one conflict between the Bihin community and Erigavo police.
The Institute supports establishing community police partnership committees and provides extensive capacity building to community leaders in identifying, prioritizing, and addressing community’s safety and security needs. In Togdheer, CDG conducted community police dialogue between the community of Beer and Togdheer police officers. The dialogue created a strengthening relationship between the police and the community of Beer.