Center For Democracy and Governance


From 4th October 2020 a conference of the Kulmiye party was instituted and it will conclude on 6th October 2020. The election of the party National Executive Committee of the part was constitute to lead the party for the next five years. CDG congratulates the chairman also the president of the Republic of Somaliland upon the election that streamlines the party structures. We upload the president and members of the party for successfully convening the conference and the deliberations that will lead to the next democracy and governance of this country. We are sure that all other major political parties in Somaliland are in the process of composing party structures and systems that will operate in the next election. However, women in a democracy are always taking a significant position in the composition of party conferences.

In a special manner we are thrilled by the president’s position on women rights, empowerment and participation in the governance and development of Somaliland. In response to the action of the parliament in the recent voting for approval of the election bill into election law for Somaliland the legislators missed cognizance of a landmark decision to include the women quota and minority clans in the election Law. And in the words of the president H.E Muse Bihi Abdi said;
“To remove the quota for women and minority clans was not correct because women have a right to be the leaders on Islamic perspective. We need to respect the right for women and Kulmiye party will continue promote and focus on women rights in this country” President Muse Biihi Abdi.

We reiterate that for the success of popular politics, political parties need to observe the contribution of women to national development and slot in their leadership quota. We observe that 0ver 40% of Kulmiye conference attendance are women in party structures and this should reflect in party top leadership positions too. The step taken by Kulmiye Party to earmark 20% leadership and regional representation to women is a significant step to the inclusion of women decision-makers. While the chairman and his 4 deputy chairmen of the Kulmiye party are men, the party shows signs that soon the party central executive committee will bring women on the border as part of the executive. Also, Women have their women wing leader, it makes significant importance to include leaders of a section that turns up to vote with 70% voter presence.

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