The Centre for Democracy and Governance (CDG) is an independent, Somaliland based nonprofit center of excellence that promotes the advancement of democracy and good governance. By deepening of democracy and works to contribute to peace and security in Horn of Africa, the African continent and beyond through dialogue, the pursuit of knowledge and rigorous analysis of critical issues and developments. CDG activities target Socio-economic groups (Local Communities) Civil societies Academic institutions Government and non-governmental institutions Political Parties Refugee and IDPs. In exercising this responsibility, CDG focuses on the challenges of institution capacity building, democratic governance and the rule of law, as well as opportunities for peace, human security, cooperation and advocacy for justice of marginalized and minority groups.
Centre for Democracy and Governance has been working to build more effective, transparent, accountable, and government institutions around the Somaliland, Puntland and Somalia for more than 6 years. The center advocates community police dialogue, civil society participation in decision making and strong security providers where community are able to collaborate their security providers.
CDG’s mandate is to strengthen government institutions, civil society to collaborate by agreeing on domestic and international policy dialogue and decision making. The center focuses enhancing human rights, poverty reduction, development, good governance, democracy, peace and security and other issues of importance to Somaliland and Puntland.
CDG is empowering vulnerable & minority groups by advocating for community inclusive activities namely: the IDPs, minority members of clans and tribes, women and girls & disabled persons whose survival and service delivery is challenged by volatility.
CDG is registered and licensed to operate by the Somaliland Ministry of National Planning and Development as a local NGO and was endorsed by the national political parties as non-partisan player and lead organization in building leadership capacity and equal opportunities for women, vulnerable and minority groups. Most of these have their livelihood in Somaliland society and Somalia generally shattered by resource destruction, lack of access to information shared resources, destruction of livelihood assets due to climate, disease and pest attacks and Structural inconsistences that are not aligned equity, heath and justice agenda of UN. This has been the case in most parts of Somaliland. However, the Women and girls, pastoralists and agro-pastoralist each year suffer shortages to severe food insecurity continue to be subjected to social risks of cultural violence and gender violence. This calls for rigorous multi-sectoral response and stakeholders’ partnership to close gaps in ending FGM and awareness improvement.
As a civil society research, advocacy and capacity building organization, CDG is committed to a set of organizational principles and objectives. In the expulsion of its primary functions, CDG subscribes to principles of non-partisanship, not-for-profit, and independence, having as key objectives:
To carry out research and analysis of public policies,including monitoring their impact on democracy and good governance;
To publish and disseminate information on research findings so as to enlighten public policy debates and strengthen advocacy for alternative development strategies;
To develop ideas and methods for effective participation of civil society and private sector actors in the public policy process through the formulation, implementation and evaluation of economic and social development policies;
To conduct conflict analysis and organize conflict resolution events and community police dialogue workshops between the police and community.
To organize public forums to sustain popular participation in development policy thinking, dialogue, and consensus building to foster strategic partnership between non-state and state actors;
To promote awareness and strengthen respect for human rights and democratic values and norms in national and regional developmental processes.
To deliver capacity building trainings governmental and no-governmental organizations
Increase cooperation experience-sharing among Horn of Africa NGOs, political parties and government institutions.